Survivalweekend in English

4.8620689655172 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 97% (58 Votes)

Follow this unique survival weekend in the Netherlands. Entirely given in English and possible to be customized for groups. Learn everything about making fire, purifying water and building your own shelter during this survival weekend.

Duration: 2 days and 1 night
Price: €135,- p.p.
Date: Bookable in consultation for groups and on the 13th till the 14th of january (fully booked), 11th till the 12th of may (fully booked), the 26th till the 27th of October 2024 (Fully booked) and the 16th till the 17th of November (8 places left), for both individual and group registrations.
Location: Baarn

Not provided: Sleeping bag, mat, tarp or tent and eating utensils
Provided: Course, trainer, 3 meals and course material


Extra information
Learn the basic skills of survival! During this course we will cover the following points, among other things, so that you know how to survive in the nature. In addition to being educational, it is also a very fun weekend to experience for both adults and children.

You learn how to build and set up a camp for optimal and hygienic use.

~Shelter technique~
During this part you will learn how to choose the right location and which materials you can use. How to build a protective shelter and a good shelter. The trainer will tell you about the different types of shelters, materials, weather conditions and insulation. After this activity you can sleep dry and warm in your own built shelter.

~Fire Technique~
You will learn a lot about the different types of tinder, fuel for the sparks and the coal. You will learn a lot about how to make a fire with the material at hand. You will learn how and where to build, feed and maintain a fire. And all this without the luxury of a match or lighter.



~Knife technique~
During this part you will learn how to handle a knife safely for various uses. You will receive information about the different types of wood and about the basic techniques of woodworking. You will also hear information about some practical utensils that you can make with a knife.

~Water technology~
We cover where and how to find and obtain water. On the basis of a demonstration you will see how to apply these various techniques.


~Rope & knots~
You will learn how and with what to make a rope. You are going to make a rope yourself with the material that is available. A technique that is very handy and useful for all kinds of survival techniques.


~Map and Compass~
You will learn a lot about how a compass and a map work during this activity. After a short instruction we will do the compass and map test. Once this is successful, we will walk an instructive route on a compass and map. During this route you will learn a lot about navigation, even without a compass.

~Equipment and Material~
We discuss useful information about preparing for anticipated and unforeseen survival situations. It's time for tips, questions, experiences and discussion.

~Emergency Signals~
Finally, you will learn to make several emergency signals.

The course starts at 10:00 AM and ends the following day at 3:00 PM. View all photos here.

Open van maandag t/m vrijdag van 09:00 tot 17:00.

Voor vragen over cursussen en evenementen: 085 002 0193.

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Reviews klanten

Han Peter Lucas
14 mei, 2024
We hebben 2 leuke dagen gehad en veel geleerd! Bas deed het erg leuk ondanks dat de groep erg verschillend was. Mochten we in de toekomst een vervolg ...

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